Which datasets include related individuals?

The 1000 Genomes Project, which was concluded in 2015, focussed its analysis on unrelated individuals, with the panel analysed being composed of 2,504 unrelated individuals. However, they did generate data for some related individuals. These are listed in the files relating to related individuals.

Subsequent projects have included related individuals in their full analyses. These include the initial phase and subsequent work of the Human Genomes Structural Variation Consortium (HGSVC) and the generation of high-coverage data for the full set of 1000 Genomes Project samples, including the 2,504 unrelated individuals but adding 698 samples related to samples in the 2,504 panel, bringing the set to a total of 3,202 samples with high coverage data.

To check the relationships in a given data set, the accompanying publications, pedigree files and similar should be consulted. Individual sample relationships are also listed in out data portal.

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